2015 Foundation Wish List

by Timothy Frey

(4) Collapsible K-9 Crates

Estimated Cost $2,000

Elite crate 3



 Waterproof Horse Wash Bar and Install Overhead Wash Boom

Estimated cost $1200.00

Wash bay 2Wash bay 1




2014 Wish List items Purchased

Four-horse trailer for the Mounted Patrol
From LT Timothy Frey, Mounted Unit CommanderIMG 0032


Excessive heat alarms for K-9 vehicles
From Off. Ryan Hockley (K9 handler)
     Heat alarms are installed to monitor temperature conditions in the K9 vehicles. K9 handlers leave their K9’s in the vehicle during summer months with the engine running and the air conditioning at maximum. The Heat Alarm Pro continuously monitors the interior temperature and if it detects excessive heat (e.g. air conditioning failure) the unit activates the emergency lights, siren and horn and automatically lowers the windows. A remote paging system alerts the K9 handler of a cooling system failure.


Replace Five Mounted Patrol helmets

The helmets currently in use by mounted officers are 4 years old. Industry standards recommend replacing helmets between 3 and 5 years. 

Cost:   $1238.80


Reid Technique of Interviewing & Interrogation Training

The interview techniques taught at these seminars are very effective and widely considered to encompass the most effective and successful interviewing and questioning process in practice today.

Cost: $1,650.00


Four sets of halter-headstall, breast collar, saddle bags and blankets.

      Currently the Mounted Unit does not have any blankets large enough for our draft horses. Previous blankets are either too small or no longer serviceable.

     Current breast collars and halters are made of mixed material (leather and nylon) and do not feature any reflective or identifying “police” markings and require increased maintenance.

     Current saddle bags are made by a local craftsman but not necessarily built for mounted use. Bags are starting to wear and fray.

     Mounted International, a company owned by a former mounted police officer, makes custom equipment designed for mounted use. Halters and breast collars feature washable neoprene backings as well as custom embroidery utilizing department colors and reflective material.

 Cost:   $2,073.50